USSF Repair Fire Suppression at Fuel Shop B676, Patrick SFB, FL – $229K
Doyon Management Services will be working with the U.S. Space Force on this 90 calendar day project to convert the Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) fire suppression system to a wet pipe fire sprinkler system. Perform a fire flow test on the fire hydrant nearest to building 676 to obtain the data necessary to properly size the new wet pipe system into the facility. Work consists of demoing 4-inch foam proportioner, 4-inch Outside Steam and Yoke (OS&Y) control valve, 200-gallon AFFF concentrate tank and associated foam piping. Dispose of all AFFF contaminated components and piping in accordance with Environmental guidance. Design and install new fire suppression lines, check valves, isolation valves, system flow sensors, tamper switches and communication devices.