NAVFAC 22SN Renovation, NSF Indian Head, MD – $6.3M
Doyon Management Services will be working with NAVFAC Washington on this 539 calendar day project to renovate the interior of building 22SN. The project will comply with all applicable SHPO requirements and security requirements for top secret open secure storage. Exterior work to include replacement of 3 pairs of existing large exterior doors: new door to match existing in size and appearance. Interior systems work to include modification of existing electrical, plumbing, and mechanical, fire alarm, and fire protection systems throughout the entire building. Interior bottom floor architectural work to include new floor and ceiling finishes, creation of workspaces and two unisex restrooms, and providing a delineation between the classified and unclassified zones. Interior top floor architectural work to include creation of a conference room. Due to building code requirements for egress the addition of an elevator and exterior stair is required for the top floor conference room. Proposed additions will comply with applicable SHPO requirements. Any incidental related work required for completion of project.